Tuesday, February 18, 2014


In life there is a fine line between working to live or living to work. A person has to know when they aren't working hard enough or when they need to relax and take a break. For me, I get enjoyment out of accomplishments. An accomplishment in being able to lift more weights in the gym then I did when I started, an accomplishment in helping make someone's day get better, an accomplishment in furthering myself in my work and education...and share those little gratifications with others to help them find theirs. There is limitless things a person can do to feel accomplished in their life. I find life educates us of these things without always taking notice. Education isn't always a book you read or a degree on your wall, but it's the people you meet and the experiences you have. I'm glad I found this out sooner than later in life because it allowed me to discover what it means to work hard and also work hard at enjoying life. I had an amazing week with a beautiful person inside and out, my mom. I can thank my parents for the life they have given me by encouraging me to keep discovering more. Because of this, I have been able to live life to the fullest and recently taken opportunities to strive to "do good" wherever I am. Here are some photos of "doing good" in Jerome AZ, and to me that means enjoying the moment and giving thanks to God for LIFE. 


  1. Wow, Thank you.. You and you sister continue to make us proud. God Bless you every day. Love you. Mom. Thanks for the great time.xoxo

  2. It was so much fun having you here mom! Love you<3
