Friday, December 27, 2013


Tis the time to gather your experiences from the previous year, take the good and leave the bad behind..time to turn to the new chapter in your life. Write down your hopes, goals, and passions for yourself and the ones that surround you. I really don't like that a single day is declared as a day for a change, every day I hope to be a chance for a new beginning:)
When I first started this blog I talked about the difference between motivation and discipline. Since alot of us are on our new years resolutions I think a good look at DRIFTING IN AND OUT hopefully will help us all rediscover what a resolution really means:

DRIFTING IN AND OUT (click here)

For the year 2014...whaaaat! I want to:
1. eat less sugar 
2. see more of the places I've never been (get out of the routine)
3. talk less about myself, listen more
4. get into nursing school
5. spend more time with kids
6. be more encouraging 
7. pray on my knees
8. go to Minnesota more often to see family
9. get all my pictures from sim cards into photo albums
10. play more board/card games

What's a resolution you have this year? Thank you for reading all you beauties out there! 

photo by a "beautiful mess

photo by "a beautiful mess"

Thursday, December 12, 2013


Happy Holidays!
I have been finding the best videos this month so I wanted to share with you another one. The video I posted below was made by Michael Heiland, a high school student in Arizona. I can't believe how talented some people are at such a young age! They see more than we may think. Michael really captured the beauty of Arizona which can easily be missed between working, running from one place to the next, and not taking the time to just enjoy each moment.

I am going to do something new ...if any of you would like, please send me a picture of somewhere beautiful in your own outdoors this Winter season. I want to encourage the photographer in you! lol. You can send photos to I look forward to seeing them all and I will be posting them next month!
Love to you all...keep warm my family in Minnesota!!

The Valley from Michael Heiland on Vimeo.

from the blog a beautiful mess. The girls that created the blog are amazing photographers and have the best recipes!
photos by a beautiful mess


Monday, December 9, 2013


Christmas Time...
ahhh a glimpse of the toy train staying on course around the tree, twinkling lights, holiday treats, and the smell of hot apple cider sitting on the stove. Turn the page to the year 2013 with black Friday campers, an electronic i pad, traffic jams, and an overcharged credit card. haha! Boy times have changed! With the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season my friend Wendy posted a video that reminds us again what Christmas is all about<3
Take a look...